Agenda item

Response to DLUHC Consultation on Awaab's Law

Report of the Executive Director, Neighbourhood Services



This report provides the Housing Policy Committee with details of the consultation response submitted to the Department of Levelling Up Housing & Communities (DLUHC) in respect of Awaab’s Law: Consultation on timescales for repairs in the social rented sector.


The consultation sought views on the specific requirements to be set and how these obligations will impact on residents and landlords. In particular, views were sought on the proposals for:


·       timescales for initial investigations of potential hazards;

·       requirements to be placed upon landlords to provide written summaries of investigation findings;

·       timescales for beginning repair works, timescales for completing repair works;

·       timescales for emergency repairs;

·       the circumstances under which properties should be temporarily decanted to protect residents’ health and safety; and

·       requirements to be placed upon landlords to maintain adequate record keeping throughout repair works.




RESOLVED UNANIMOUSLY: That the Housing Policy Committee:


1.     notes the contents of this report; and


2.     notes and endorses the response submitted to Department of Levelling Up Housing & Communities (DLUHC) in respect of Awaab’s Law: Consultation on timescales for repairs in the social rented sector.




Reasons for Decision




There are several implications arising from the proposed implementation of timescales for repairs in the social rented sector through Awaab’s Law. It is important for the Council to highlight these implications to government as part of this consultation.




Alternatives Considered and Rejected




The alternative option is not to provide a response to the consultation. However, on this occasion, given that there are implications for the Council, the recommendation is that a response is submitted.




The Director of Housing presented a report that informed the Committee of the consultation response submitted to the DLUHC in respect of Awaab’s Law: Consultation on timescales for repairs in the social rented sector.  




RESOLVED UNANIMOUSLY: That the Housing Policy Committee:


1.     notes the contents of this report; and


2.     notes and endorses the response submitted to DLUHC in respect of Awaab’s Law: Consultation on timescales for repairs in the social rented sector.




Reasons for Decision




There are several implications arising from the proposed implementation of timescales for repairs in the social rented sector through Awaab’s Law. It is important for the Council to highlight these implications to government as part of this consultation.




Alternatives Considered and Rejected




The alternative option is not to provide a response to the consultation. However, on this occasion, given that there are implications for the Council, the recommendation is that a response is submitted.


Supporting documents: