Agenda item

LGA Peer Challenge Progress Review

Report of Director of Policy and Democratic Engagement



The Chief Executive submitted a report noting that the LGA Peer Team that undertook a Corporate Peer Challenge (CPC) of Sheffield City Council in November 2022 returned to review our progress in December 2023.

The report provides a summary of the LGA’s feedback and recommendations from the Progress Review. 

The LGA Team have recognised that there has been strong and positive progress at the council in the last year, with significant progress made against the recommendations made in the original CPC.  This has included collaborating with partners to develop Sheffield’s City Goals, producing a focused Council Plan for the organisation, continuing to provide robust and stable financial management and developing mature political culture.




RESOLVED UNANIMOUSLY: That Strategy and Resources Policy Committee:-




(a)  welcomes the LGA Corporate Peer Challenge Progress Review report (Appendix 1) which recognises the significant progress that the council has achieved in the last year;

(b) thanks the members of the LGA Peer team for their time and insight in supporting the council’s continuous improvement;

(c) recognises the collective effort from Members and officers to deliver vital strategic foundations in the last year – including the development of a Council Plan, proposals for a balanced budget, and collaborating with partners to set out our shared City Goals;

(d) agrees that the council should continue on its improvement journey by embedding the Council Plan across the whole organisation, using the feedback and insight in the LGA’s Progress Review report to focus our transformation activity; and

(e) commits to asking the LGA to undertake another Corporate Peer Challenge within the usual timescale (circa 2028).




Reasons for Decision




The recommendations recognise the significant progress made by the council in the last 12 months and encourage the whole organisation to continue that journey and deliver the Council Plan.




Alternatives Considered and Rejected




As a condition of undertaking the Corporate Peer Challenge and the Progress Review, the council agreed that the Progress Review report should be considered in a public meeting.




The only alternative option would be to reject some or all of the feedback and recommendations in the Progress Review. However, given the positive nature of the feedback and the recognised progress made by the council against the original CPC recommendations, this option is not advised.




The Chief Executive submitted a report noting that the LGA Peer Team that undertook a Corporate Peer Challenge (CPC) of Sheffield City Council in November 2022 returned to review our progress in December 2023.

The report provides a summary of the LGA’s feedback and recommendations from the Progress Review. 

The LGA Team have recognised that there has been strong and positive progress at the council in the last year, with significant progress made against the recommendations made in the original CPC.  This has included collaborating with partners to develop Sheffield’s City Goals, producing a focused Council Plan for the organisation, continuing to provide robust and stable financial management and developing mature political culture.




RESOLVED UNANIMOUSLY: That Strategy and Resources Policy Committee:-




(a)  welcomes the LGA Corporate Peer Challenge Progress Review report (Appendix 1) which recognises the significant progress that the council has achieved in the last year;

(b) thanks the members of the LGA Peer team for their time and insight in supporting the council’s continuous improvement;

(c) recognises the collective effort from Members and officers to deliver vital strategic foundations in the last year – including the development of a Council Plan, proposals for a balanced budget, and collaborating with partners to set out our shared City Goals;

(d) agrees that the council should continue on its improvement journey by embedding the Council Plan across the whole organisation, using the feedback and insight in the LGA’s Progress Review report to focus our transformation activity; and

(e) commits to asking the LGA to undertake another Corporate Peer Challenge within the usual timescale (circa 2028).




Reasons for Decision




The recommendations recognise the significant progress made by the council in the last 12 months and encourage the whole organisation to continue that journey and deliver the Council Plan.




Alternatives Considered and Rejected




As a condition of undertaking the Corporate Peer Challenge and the Progress Review, the council agreed that the Progress Review report should be considered in a public meeting.




The only alternative option would be to reject some or all of the feedback and recommendations in the Progress Review. However, given the positive nature of the feedback and the recognised progress made by the council against the original CPC recommendations, this option is not advised.


Supporting documents: