Agenda item

Personalisation and Direct Payments Update


10.1      The Committee received a report of the Strategic Director of Adult Care and Wellbeing which provided an update on progress against the Delivery Plan of the Personalisation and Direct Payments Strategy and reviewed the options appraisal for the future model of the Direct Payment Support Service and asked the Committee to agree upon the proposed option.






RESOLVED UNANIMOUSLY: That the Adult Health and Social Care Policy Committee:


-       Note the continued progress of the Direct Payment Improvement programme and delivery against actions from the strategy delivery plan including the creation of a Personalisation Board to drive and govern future work.

-       Endorse the planned activity for the next 12 months.

-       Approve commissioning strategy Option 5: Provide a Direct Payment Support Service as an in-house service offer.






Reasons for Decision








Our focus is to offer people of Sheffield a good life with choices as outlined in our Strategy Living the Life you Want to Live. As a Council it is imperative that we fulfil our statutory duties. The Direct Payments and Personalisation Strategy approved in 2022 commits us to delivery.


Alternatives Considered and Rejected









Options considered for the delivery of the Direct Payments Support Service are as set out in the Options Appraisal. No other options have been considered as the strategy, delivery plan and offer of personalised support and Direct Payments are statutory duties within The Care Act 2014, Care and Support (Direct Payments) Regulations 2014, Care and Support Statutory Guidance issued with the Care Act 2014, Children and Families Act 2014.


Supporting documents: