Agenda item

Street Tree Inquiry Progress Report

Report of Director of Policy and Democratic Engagement



The Director of Policy and Democratic Engagement submitted a report providing an update on progress made towards the actions agreed as part of the Council’s response to the Independent Street Tree Inquiry, as agreed at the Strategy and Resources Policy Committee meeting on 19 June 2023. It highlights the work done to date to deliver the agreed actions and sets out proposed next steps.




RESOLVED UNANIMOUSLY: That Strategy and Resources Policy Committee:-




(a) notes the progress made towards the actions agreed in the June 2023 ‘Learning from the past and moving ahead: response to the Sheffield Street Tree Inquiry’ report, as detailed in the report now submitted;


(b) agrees the proposed next steps, as set out at paragraph 1.33 of this report; and


(c) agrees to receive a further report in July 2024 on progress towards the recommendations agreed in the June 2023 report.




Reasons for Decision




By agreeing the recommendations, the committee will ensure that continued progress is made towards achieving the recommendations of the Street Tree Inquiry. This is a critical part of the journey of rebuilding the trust and confidence of our communities following the street tree dispute and will support the achievement of our Council Plan ambitions in this area.




Alternatives Considered and Rejected




This report was produced in accordance with the Strategy and Resources Committee’s decision of 18 June 2023, requesting an update on progress made towards the recommendations made in the Sheffield Street Tree Inquiry report. The only alternative option would have been not to produce an update report, which has been discounted.




The Director of Policy and Democratic Engagement submitted a report providing an update on progress made towards the actions agreed as part of the Council’s response to the Independent Street Tree Inquiry, as agreed at the Strategy and Resources Policy Committee meeting on 19 June 2023. It highlights the work done to date to deliver the agreed actions and sets out proposed next steps.




RESOLVED UNANIMOUSLY: That Strategy and Resources Policy Committee:-




(a) notes the progress made towards the actions agreed in the June 2023 ‘Learning from the past and moving ahead: response to the Sheffield Street Tree Inquiry’ report, as detailed in the report now submitted;


(b) agrees the proposed next steps, as set out at paragraph 1.33 of this report; and


(c) agrees to receive a further report in July 2024 on progress towards the recommendations agreed in the June 2023 report.




Reasons for Decision




By agreeing the recommendations, the committee will ensure that continued progress is made towards achieving the recommendations of the Street Tree Inquiry. This is a critical part of the journey of rebuilding the trust and confidence of our communities following the street tree dispute and will support the achievement of our Council Plan ambitions in this area.




Alternatives Considered and Rejected




This report was produced in accordance with the Strategy and Resources Committee’s decision of 18 June 2023, requesting an update on progress made towards the recommendations made in the Sheffield Street Tree Inquiry report. The only alternative option would have been not to produce an update report, which has been discounted.


Supporting documents: