Agenda item

Multi Agency Recovery Following the Stannington, Malin Bridge and Hillsborough Gas Outage (December 2022)

Report of the Executive Director City Futures



The Executive Director City Futures presented a report outlining ongoing recovery actions following the significant gas outage and its associated impacts at Stannington, Malin Bridge and Hillsborough in December 2022, as well as introducing and sharing the multi-agency learning following this incident.  


The report contains the following appendices:

Appendix 1 – Externally produced, multi-agency debrief report (closed item)

Appendix 2 – Recovery Coordinating Group case study and recommendations




RESOLVED UNANIMOUSLY: That Strategy and Resources Policy Committee:-




(i) notes and acknowledges the Recovery Coordinating Group case study and recommendations report (Appendix 2); and

(ii) notes for information that the externally produced multi agency debrief report (Appendix 1 – closed item), acknowledging the delivery of these recommendations is being monitored through the Local Resilience Forum.




Reasons for Decision




Debrief and learning lessons post incident is standard national and local practice and in line with the national resilience standards of expectation, the learning shared as part of the attachments fulfils this requirement.




Sharing these lessons identifies across other agencies nationally is standard practice, in line with the processes put in place via the Cabinet Office, this will be achieved through sharing the learning resources outlined at section 1.6 (b) of the report.




Alternatives Considered and Rejected




It is best practice, following a major or significant incident to firstly identify learning to enable responder agencies to update and amend any plans or processes.  It is nationally promoted this is achieved through a multi-agency debrief as was carried out in following the significant gas outage at Stannington, Malin Bridge and Hillsborough.  It is common practice for this learning to be shared across different organisations nationally that this experiential learning can be applied in different regions.  The Recovery Coordinating Group have developed products and tools to further support this and offer a more immersive, realistic “on the shelf” exercise.  




The Executive Director City Futures presented a report outlining ongoing recovery actions following the significant gas outage and its associated impacts at Stannington, Malin Bridge and Hillsborough in December 2022, as well as introducing and sharing the multi-agency learning following this incident.  


The report contains the following appendices:

Appendix 1 – Externally produced, multi-agency debrief report (closed item)

Appendix 2 – Recovery Coordinating Group case study and recommendations.




RESOLVED: That the public and press be excluded from the meeting before further discussion takes place on the grounds that, in view of the nature of the business to be transacted, if those persons were present, there would be a disclosure to them of exempt information as described in paragraphs 3 of Schedule 12A to the Local Government Act 1972, as amended.




The meeting discussed the exempt information contained in Appendix 1 – Externally produced, multi-agency debrief report. 




At this stage in the proceedings, the meeting was re-opened to the public and press.




RESOLVED UNANIMOUSLY: That Strategy and Resources Policy Committee:-




(i) notes and acknowledges the Recovery Coordinating Group case study and recommendations report (Appendix 2); and

(ii) notes for information that the externally produced multi agency debrief report (Appendix 1 – closed item), acknowledging the delivery of these recommendations is being monitored through the Local Resilience Forum.




Reasons for Decision




Debrief and learning lessons post incident is standard national and local practice and in line with the national resilience standards of expectation, the learning shared as part of the attachments fulfils this requirement.




Sharing these lessons identifies across other agencies nationally is standard practice, in line with the processes put in place via the Cabinet Office, this will be achieved through sharing the learning resources outlined at section 1.6 (b) of the report.




Alternatives Considered and Rejected




It is best practice, following a major or significant incident to firstly identify learning to enable responder agencies to update and amend any plans or processes.  It is nationally promoted this is achieved through a multi-agency debrief as was carried out in following the significant gas outage at Stannington, Malin Bridge and Hillsborough.  It is common practice for this learning to be shared across different organisations nationally that this experiential learning can be applied in different regions.  The Recovery Coordinating Group have developed products and tools to further support this and offer a more immersive, realistic “on the shelf” exercise.  


Supporting documents: