Agenda item

Health and Wellbeing Board Future Meeting Arrangements

Report of Greg Fell, Director of Public Health, Sheffield City Council and Becky Joyce, Accountable Care Partnership Programme Director for Sheffield.



The Board considered a joint report of the Director of Public Health, Sheffield City Council, and the Accountable Care Partnership Programme Director, containing proposals for future meeting arrangements for the Board, designed to improve openness and transparency around the work of the Board.




The report also proposed a broader review of Board membership, and of the relationship between the Board and the Accountable Care Partnership Board, to be conducted, building on the Board’s discussions around the Care Quality Commission Local System Review and the Health and Wellbeing Strategy, and for recommendations in that regard to be submitted to the meeting of the Board on 13 December 2018.




In relation to future meeting arrangements, comments from members of the Board included that consideration should also be given to the format and venues for some of the meetings, to make them less formal and more interactive, and possibly to include presentations from service recipients.  Whilst broadly supporting the proposal to make more meetings open to the public, it was accepted that the option to occasionally meet in private, for reasons of confidentiality, should be retained.  It was also suggested that there should be clear plans and focus for the co-production work to be undertaken in the strategy development sessions.




In relation to Board membership, comments from members of the Board included support for the skill sets of the Board’s membership to be kept under regular review, and for consideration to be given to Board membership being extended to include representation from the Council’s Place Portfolio and voluntary sector.




RESOLVED: That this Board:-




(a)        agrees to the proposal to implement quarterly formal public meetings, open strategy development sessions to the public, and publish agendas and minutes of these sessions online, as outlined in the report;




(b)        requests that all members of the Board participate in the governance review to ensure all views are considered;




(c)        agrees to receive recommendations from the reviews of Accountable Care Partnership governance, and Health and Wellbeing Board membership and terms of reference, at the Board’s meeting on 13 December 2018; and




(d)        notwithstanding the forthcoming review of membership, approves the appointment of the Executive Director, Place, Sheffield City Council, and the Cabinet Member for Neighbourhoods and Community Safety, to serve as additional members of the Board.




Supporting documents: