Agenda item

Application No. 21/00234/FUL - Land At Junction With Herries Road, Herries Road, South And Penistone Road North, Sheffield, S6 1QE



Additional and amended information, along with revised conditions 2, 19, 25 and 29 were detailed within the Supplementary Report circulated and summarised at the meeting.



The Officer presented the report which gave details of the application and highlighted the history of the site and the key issues in addition to presenting photographs of the site which were provided to committee members in advance of the meeting.



Simon Ogden attended the meeting and spoke against the application.



Lydia Sadler attended the meeting and spoke in support of the application.



The Committee considered the report and recommended conditions having regard to the development plan, the National Planning Policy Framework and other relevant considerations as summarised in the report and supplementary report, now submitted and also having regard to representations made during the meeting.



RESOLVED: That an application for planning permission be GRANTED, conditionally, for the reasons set out in the report and supplementary report, now submitted, for the erection of a retail unit (Class E(a)), gym (Class E(d)), 2 storage and distribution units (Class B8), 1 storage and distribution unit with outside storage and racking (Class B8), 2 drive thru restaurants (Class E(b/Sui Generis)),1 builders merchant (Sui Generis) to include display, sale and storage of building timber and plumbing supplies, plant and tool hire, including outside display and storage along with storage racking, ancillary kitchen joinery showroom, 1 vehicle maintenance, repair and MOT unit (Class B2) and 2 substations including provision of car parking and junction improvements to Penistone Road and Herries Road, access onto Herries Road/Herries Road South, servicing, landscaping, pedestrian access and associated on and off site works (resubmission of application 19/00037/FUL) (Amended Description) at Land At Junction With Herries Road, Herries Road South And Penistone Road North, Sheffield, S6 1QE (Application No. 21/00234/FUL).



Supporting documents: