Agenda item

Record of Planning Appeal Submissions and Decisions

Report of the Director of City Growth




The Committee received and noted a report of the Chief Planning Officer detailing new planning appeals received and planning appeals allowed or dismissed by the Secretary of State.



The Planning Officer drew Members attention to the dismissal of appeal against the refusal at Committee of a development at Loxley Road. 



The Inspector stated that, in the absence of the Council being able to demonstrate a 5-year supply of deliverable housing sites, the policies which were most important for determining the application were considered out of date, as specified in footnote 8 of the NPPF. In such circumstances, the NPPF indicates that permission should be granted unless the application of policies in the Framework that protect areas or assets of particular importance (including the Green Belt) provided a clear reason for refusing the proposed development.



In this case, the conflict that the Inspector found with Green Belt policies in the NPPF provided a clear reason for refusing the development proposed. He found that the proposed development would fail to accord with the development plan and policies in the NPPF as a whole. As such, he concluded that it would not represent sustainable development and that the appeal should be dismissed.



RESOLVED that the report be noted.



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