Agenda item

Home to School Transport Appeals

Report of the Executive Director, People Services



Verbal Appeal UTC01




In attendance were a representative of University Technical College (UTC) Sheffield Olympic Legacy Park and Andrew Tierney (Customer Services).




The Chair welcomed everyone to the meeting and asked attendees to introduce themselves.  He then outlined the procedure which would be followed during the meeting.




The Executive Director, People Services, submitted a report and commented upon a case where the parent had appealed against the administrative decision made by the Executive Director with regard to the refusal to grant a home to school travel bus pass (Case No.UTC01).




Andrew Tierney explained the Stage 1 review and Stage 2 appeals process regarding the City Council’s Home to School Transport Policy.  Mr. Tierney informed the Committee of the reasons why the request for a home to school travel pass had been refused at Stage 1.




In the absence of the appellant, the representative on behalf of UTC Sheffield Olympic Legacy Park, gave background information on UTC, outlining its vision and ethos, the innovative curriculum and vision of the school, its learning pathways and principles and everything else the school had to offer the pupils attending the school and the reasons why he thought that school travel bus passes should be granted to every pupil who requested one.




In response to questions from Members of the Committee, the representative stated that he was not aware of UTC arrangements in other cities.  Members stated that the hearing was not the right forum for the general policy to be reconsidered and that the Council’s policy does not currently provide for bus passes to be granted to pupils attending UTC, but thanked him for his attendance and stated that the policy matter would be referred to the relevant Executive Member for consideration.




At this stage in the proceedings, the representative left the meeting to enable the Committee to consider the evidence.




RESOLVED: That (a) the appeal be not upheld on the grounds that there are no exceptional circumstances demonstrated and, having regard to the Council’s Home to School Transport Policy, the school that the pupil is requesting a pass for is not the catchment school (UTC01); and




(b)   the issue now raised regarding the University Technical College and the Council’s Home to School Transport Policy be referred to the attention of the Executive Member for Education, Children and Families.