Agenda item

Transition to a Committee System of Governance

To approve, with or without amendment, the recommendations in the report (to follow) of the Director of Legal and Governance (Monitoring Officer) on the steps necessary for the establishment of a programme to enable the Council to transition to a Committee system of Governance from May 2022.




It was moved by Councillor Terry Fox, and seconded by Councillor Julie Grocutt, that approval be given to the recommendations in the report of the Director of Legal and Governance now submitted, regarding the transition to a committee system of governance.






Whereupon, it was moved by Councillor Simon Clement-Jones, seconded by Councillor Steve Ayris, as an amendment, that the recommendations in the report be approved with the addition of the following words at the end of paragraph (b)(i) –


“and (A) subject to the size of the Committee being increased from 7 to 11 seats by the addition of one additional nominee from the Labour Group, two additional nominees from the Liberal Democrat Group, and one additional nominee from the Green Group and (B) with a recommendation that a representative of the It’s Our City campaign be co-opted to the Governance Committee in a non-voting capacity.”






After contributions from three other Members, and following a right of reply from Councillor Terry Fox, the amendment moved by Councillor Simon Clement-Jones was put to the vote and part (A) of the amendment was carried and part (B) of the amendment was negatived.






The votes on the amendment were ordered to be recorded and were as follows:-






For Part (A) of the amendment (69)


The Deputy Lord Mayor (Councillor Sioned-Mair Richards) and Councillors Simon Clement-Jones, Richard Shaw, Sophie Thornton, Bob McCann, Chris Rosling-Josephs, Ann Woolhouse, Denise Fox, Bryan Lodge, Karen McGowan, Angela Argenzio, Brian Holmshaw, Kaltum Rivers, Talib Hussain, Mark Jones, Safiya Saeed, Douglas Johnson, Ruth Mersereau, Martin Phipps, Tim Huggan, Mohammed Mahroof, Ruth Milsom, Mary Lea, Zahira Naz, Colin Ross, Martin Smith, Vic Bowden, Alan Woodcock, Roger Davison, Barbara Masters, Shaffaq Mohammed, Abdul Khayum, Abtisam Mohamed, Cliff Woodcraft, Alexi Dimond, Cate McDonald, Paul Turpin, Ian Auckland, Steve Ayris, Christine Gilligan, George Lindars-Hammond, Josie Paszek, Terry Fox, Anne Murphy, Tony Downing, Kevin Oxley, Peter Garbutt, Maroof Raouf, Alison Teal, Ben Miskell, Jack Scott, Sophie Wilson, David Barker, Mike Drabble, Dawn Dale, Peter Price, Garry Weatherall, Tony Damms, Jayne Dunn, Vickie Priestley, Richard Williams, Julie Grocutt, Ben Curran, Bernard Little, Alan Hooper, Mike Levery, Ann Whitaker, Jackie Satur and Paul Wood.






Against Part (A) of the amendment (0)








Abstained from voting on Part (A) of the amendment (2)


The Lord Mayor (Councillor Gail Smith) and Councillor Lewis Chinchen.






For Part (B) of the amendment (24)


Councillors Simon Clement-Jones, Richard Shaw, Sophie Thornton, Bob McCann, Ann Woolhouse, Tim Huggan, Mohammed Mahroof, Colin Ross, Martin Smith, Vic Bowden, Alan Woodcock, Roger Davison, Barbara Masters, Shaffaq Mohammed, Cliff Woodcraft, Ian Auckland, Steve Ayris, Kevin Oxley, Vickie Priestley, Richard Williams, Lewis Chinchen, Alan Hooper, Mike Levery and Ann Whitaker.






Against Part (B) of the amendment (46)


The Deputy Lord Mayor (Councillor Sioned-Mair Richards) and Councillors Chris Rosling-Josephs, Denise Fox, Bryan Lodge, Karen McGowan, Angela Argenzio, Brian Holmshaw, Kaltum Rivers, Talib Hussain, Mark Jones, Safiya Saeed, Douglas Johnson, Ruth Mersereau, Martin Phipps, Ruth Milsom, Mary Lea, Zahira Naz, Abdul Khayum, Abtisam Mohamed, Alexi Dimond, Cate McDonald, Paul Turpin, Christine Gilligan, George Lindars-Hammond, Josie Paszek, Terry Fox, Anne Murphy, Tony Downing, Peter Garbutt, Maroof Raouf, Alison Teal, Ben Miskell, Jack Scott, Sophie Wilson, David Barker, Mike Drabble, Dawn Dale, Peter Price, Garry Weatherall, Tony Damms, Jayne Dunn, Julie Grocutt, Ben Curran, Bernard Little, Jackie Satur and Paul Wood.






Abstained from voting on Part (B) of the amendment (1)


The Lord Mayor (Councillor Gail Smith).





The recommendations in the report, as now amended, were then put as a Substantive Motion in the following form and carried:-






RESOLVED: That this Council:-


(a)      notes the proposals for the operation of Transitional Committees as set out in the report of the Director of Legal and Governance now submitted, and approves their establishment in respect of the four theme areas;


(b)      agrees to (i) establish a Governance Committee as a politically proportionate member steering group to guide the transition to a committee system of governance and to set the parameters for stakeholder engagement, as described in the report, and subject to the size of the Committee being increased from 7 to 11 seats by the addition of one additional nominee from the Labour Group, two additional nominees from the Liberal Democrat Group, and one additional nominee from the Green Group and (ii) receive a report at the next Council meeting outlining the revised political proportionality framework, and allocations of seats to political groups on individual committees, resulting from the establishment of the Governance Committee; and


(c)      requests the Director of Legal and Governance to amend Part 3 of the Constitution (Responsibility for Functions) by updating the Transitional Committee Terms of Reference to reflect their areas of responsibility, adding Terms of Reference for the Governance Committee once agreed by the Committee and to make any minor consequential amendments that may be necessary.









(NOTE: During the above item of business, it was - RESOLVED: On the motion of The Lord Mayor (Councillor Gail Smith) and seconded by The Deputy Lord Mayor (Councillor Sioned-Mair Richards), that the provisions of Council Procedure Rule 5.5 be suspended and the termination of the meeting be extended by 15 minutes, to 5.45 p.m.).







Supporting documents: